Today was also the first day I witnessed to an Englishman!
I was sitting on the train after visiting the Ear, Nose, and Throat specialist again, when a man (mid 30s) stumbled into the seats across from me. He dropped his three duffle bags into the aisle and slumped over. His eyes drooped as his head sagged onto his chest. The poor guy looked rather rough in his cut off tee and stubbled face.
Somehow I knew we would end up talking.
My eyes began to droop too, and I found him looking at me. "Falling asleep?" I asked.
"I can't fall asleep on the train. I will miss my stop," said Sleepy Head. He slid over to the seat directly across from me. We began talking, and that was when things became interesting.
His eyes opened a little wider when I mentioned that I was interning with a Christian bookstore. So you are a Christian? Yes.
We talked about the origin of life, if there is a God, why Jesus came to Earth, etc.
So only those who believe in Jesus will go to Heaven? Yes. So you believe you will go to Heaven, but I will not? Well, do you believe that Jesus died for... No. Then yes, what you said is right. But it doesn't have to be that way. You can go to Heaven if you believe that Jesus died for your sins. I tried, but I cannot believe.
The man was a very firm atheist, but a great conversationalist--willing to talk and listen (even if he did fall asleep if I talked too long). The conversation could have gone longer, but my stop suddenly appeared.
The whole incident was a bit strange, but it was encouraging to finally have shared my faith with someone here. I felt inadequate and ineloquent. I knew the Truth, but somehow this man could not see as I did. I'm glad God gave me this opportunity. I am burdened, not just for the Englishman, but for the European, the American, the African, the human. May God grant me the ability and opportunity to open my mouth more and share His Good News.
LENAE!!! I am so SO so excited for this opportunity the Lord provided & for your tender & obedient heart! You are courageous and compassionate and that is a beautiful combination! I will be praying for this man with you! I am so excited to continue to hear what the Lord is doing in and through you!! Love you so much, Sarah