As morning continued I donned the shirt Rebekah (my college roommate) sent me for my birthday, and headed out the door. At my connecting train station I stopped for a coffee (and paid back the money I owed the coffee store) and impressed myself by not pouring it all over the man sitting next to me. There were no empty seats on the train, so I braced myself for a swaying ride. My coffee, and those around me, arrived unscathed. However, as I drained the last few drops from my mocha, it managed to dribble down the front of my new shirt. Well, it was a good try.
The spots came out when I washed them in the bathroom at my work, and stood awkwardly under the hand drier.
Today the shop was off and on busy. Lulls in business were followed by five customers all at once, or three people waiting and all the telephones ringing. It can be quite stressful if you let it get to you...
But the whole day I sensed the presence of God with me. I was thinking about the book I read last night ("The Shack"), which is pretty controversial. After reading it I immediately wished that my college friends has read it too, so that I could discuss it with them.
Near the end of the day things quieted down, and I mechanically transferred e-mails into the database. So far I have done 508...that is a lot. Luckily there are only 720ish, so I am over halfway done, and I might even be able to finish before I leave for the States. But, with the mindless work, my mind wanders.
Sometimes I find myself thinking about friends or family. Other times I talk with God. And still other times I search for names that grab my attention. Eloquent or interesting names. A writing exercise came back to me from my "Fiction" class: character sketches. A character sketch is where you outline a, age, occupation, background, etc. Occasionally the names on the database stir my mind and I try to image, if I were to write the story, what kind of person was behind the name. It is actually quite fun.
This evening I transferred everything from the upstairs loft (where Mom, Laura, and I stayed while they were here) to my small bedsit. And I cleaned the loft upstairs, because people are coming to stay in it tomorrow-- Surprise!! So far I have done three loads of laundry--bedsheets, towels and such--and I still have one more to do. The difficult part is drying, because there aren't any drying machines here! Good side of things? Your sheets, clothes, towels, etc smell like the fresh outdoors after they come off the drying line outside.
I travel back to the U.S. in a week. I can't believe it. I am both excited and sad. I will miss my CLC family here in London.
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